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Transportation Changes

Communicating Temporary Changes in Transportation

If there are any changes in your child's procedures at the end of the school day, please be sure to send a Temporary Change in Transportation Note to your child's teacher each day that there is a change. If the teacher does not receive a note from you, your child will be sent home using the normal routine as indicated on their current transportation information form. Please do not send transportation changes through email, as it may not be received in a timely manner. You are encouraged to call the office with any last-minute changes.

***Please note that buses are closed to students not assigned to that bus unless a note is provided. In the case that your child is riding the bus home but getting off at a different stop, please remember to send a note.

If your child is being picked up instead of riding the bus home, you must send a note to the teacher including the name of the individual who will be picking up your child.

If your child is staying at school for Cross Country, Scouts or any after-school enrichment programs, a note is required for each occurrence.

Updating Permanent Transportation Information

Throughout the school year students may move and require a change in transportation, as well as, many families require transportation to daycare centers or babysitters.

Students who need transportation to a location other than their residency will need to contact the NACS Transportation Office at 260-637-6165 and notify them of their change. The NACS transportation office will help you fill out the Bus Information Form for your records. Once the method of transportation has been changed with the NACS transportation department please fill out an updated Transportation Information Form and return it to the front office.

Additionally, students who require any permanent transportation change above and beyond the bus changes such as Car Pick Up or YMCA Care at Perry Hill must fill out an updated Transportation Information Form and return it to the front office.