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Early dismissal and Medical Appointments

Please make every effort to schedule appointments for children outside of school hours. Please send a note to your child regarding any medical appointments that may be scheduled during the school day. Notes should include the date, time, and reason for the early dismissal or late arrival. Please feel free to use the Parent Note to Teacher form to help with such notifications. Upon your child's return to school, we request that you submit a doctor's note signed by the physician.

Students leaving the building for appointments must be signed out by a parent/guardian in the school office. Students who leave school between 2:00 and 2:30 p.m. will receive an afternoon tardy regardless of the reason. If the reason for the early departure is not covered by one of the above-listed excused absences, the student will receive an unexcused tardy. A student leaving before these times is marked as half-day absent.

If tardiness becomes a concern, you will be notified by the school office. Excessive unexcused tardies will be dealt with as necessary.